Till Krenz
M. A. Till Krenz
Institut für Soziologie (ISOZ)
Zschokkestr. 32,
D-39104, Magdeburg,
Research Interests
- Network Analysis
- Relational Sociology
- Social Capital
- Civic Society
- June 2015 - Workshop 'Advanced ego-network analysis with R' at the Sunbelt Conference 2015 in Brighton (UK)
- since 2014 - Development of the R package egonetR, for importing and analysing ego-centered network data in R.
- September 2014 - Lecturer and Instructor at the 8th 'Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis'
- since 2011 - Reasearch Assistant at the Institute for Sociology at the University of Magdeburg
- 2005-2011 - Studies in Sociology and Political Science at the University of Magdeburg